Webinar: Integrated Reconstruction of Heritage in the Post-Trauma Social and Economic Recovery in Light of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

ARC-WH announces the third webinar Integrated Reconstruction of Heritage in the Post-Trauma Social and Economic Recovery in Light of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, scheduled to take place on 17 June 2021, 10:00 – 13:30 (CET) in the framework of the upcoming international Conference on integrated post-disaster reconstruction of cultural heritage – social, economic and psychological aspects of recovery.

The Conference was initially planned to take place in April 2020 and was postponed to 2021 when, hopefully, some restrictions and health measures implemented during the Covid19 pandemic will be lifted.

One of the key objectives of the Conference is to examine principles, policies, approaches and guidelines for integrated heritage reconstruction and recovery, which should be people-centred, context-attentive and sustainable development-oriented. Therefore, the third webinar will address the potential of heritage reconstruction and recovery in the face of challenges of Agenda 2030 in the social trauma and post-trauma context. While the United Nations has established Agenda 2030 actions to reach 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and “ensure that all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity and equality,” the concerns of disasters and armed conflicts continue.

The webinar will be organized into two sessions. It will offer background, scope and preconditions to discuss the possibility of harnessing post-trauma heritage reconstruction for the recuperation of devastating human settlements and communities towards inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable spaces, as well as a human trauma healing process.

To access the program of the webinar please download the PDF attached.


The webinar will be conducted in English. Arabic interpretation will be available.


Registration for the webinar is free of charge. Kindly register using the following link:


It will be live-streamed on ARC-WH’s YouTube channel for those unable to access the webinar via Zoom (Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage). Be sure to subscribe!